Laren Linda

Tanager Woods was started as a retirement venture back in the mid-2000s. Laren and Linda Clark decided to take advantage of their awesome location and start a business that they could run from home and manage while still keeping up with their busy calendars. Tanager Woods is a local, purely family business. Laren takes care of campground upkeep, while Linda handles paperwork and email.

Laren is a retired correctional officer and Coast Guard vet. Since retiring, he's cultivated too many hobbies and occupations to count. In addition to running Tanager Woods, Laren has been a high school tennis coach, a high school football referee, and a horse farrier. Laren is an active yoga instructor, teaching a local weekly class.

Linda is a retired "stay-at-home-mom" who successfully home-schooled two daughters and sent them off to college on scholarships. One is now a lawyer and the other is a doctor. Linda stays busy spending time with friends and helping with family projects.

Both Linda and Laren have a passion for pilates and have recently been thrilled to welcome their first grandchild.

Contents Copyright Tanager Woods RV Campground, LLC 2012. Last updated July 2024.